Pre-Op Orthopedic Surgeon Visit

Busy day today! Before our hospital tour Miriam had an appointment with her orthopedic surgeon, Dr Williams of Central Texas Pediatric Orthopedics. So now we can introduce him as well:


We feel very prepared for this thanks to all of the education and support they have given us, and we left today with no real outstanding questions.

Miriam also had x-rays done to help prepare the surgeons and their teams. Her last set was about 6 months ago. She has grown, but nothing new or unexpected in this set of images. And she only cried a little bit when we got to the room and was very brave after that.

Here is a copy of the x-ray to give you an idea of what’s going on in there. Note that she is standing up more or less “straight” here. Her right lung is smaller than her left (this image is as though looking at her back, so left is on the left). The large white mass in the center is her heart, right where the “jumbled” portion of her spine is located. It jogs over to the left considerably there as well. You can see the fused ribs on the right side in the middle (it looks like it starts as two, fuses to one, and then comes out as three?) and gaps at the lower ribs.


But if you watched the videos on the procedure, you know she is nowhere near the worst case for this type of procedure.

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